mercoledì 11 marzo 2015

Spring is in the air!

What better place to experience it than in Lucca I ask myself. In April I'll have been here for 7 years. Seems like only yesterday when I arrived and was met with an enchantingly quaint town with so many Lucchesi ready to help this 40-year-old English teacher and her children.

All excited to bring me their local home-cooked dishes and try out their English..."so un po' d'inglese..." that "po' d'inglese..." which was as easy to extract as a wisdom tooth...

But with a bit of patience and "would you like a cup of tea and biscuits?" I've always managed to make people feel at ease and make it enjoyable and less painful... sometimes a bike ride in the centre and a walk around the walls all help to relax and get people communicating

Since my convent grammar school days in North London this is what I've always loved and done passionately: meeting new people and communicating and of course making people feel good about themselves.

We only live once and we are all special and everyone, yes everyone... I mean you too can communicate but not only in Italian, in English too, give yourself a chance and it'll open up doors and opportunities you never imagined possible. See it as an adventure and an unforgettable experience.

I can't wait to meet you and take you on this 'forget-me-not' experience!

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